On the Subject of Reverse Alphabetize
You know the alphabet, right? Dvoo, tvg ivzwb gl ovzim rg ztzrm!
The module displays a chalkboard with a letter written backward.
Find which rules in the table below DO NOT apply. If there is an odd number of rules that don’t apply, use the middle one. If there is an even number, use the modern English alphabet.
Select the left side of the chalkboard if the displayed letter matches the LAST letter in the string. If not, select the right side of the chalkboard. Then proceed with the next displayed letter and the previous letter in the string, etc., for 26 stages.
There are exactly three batteries | NZYIFSUJWBDGVCAHMXTKLQEPOR |
There are exactly two ports | AOXBRYGHWFNLDMJQVZSKCTUPEI |
There is an odd number of strikes (during initialization) | RYCBENFZVQTSLWPXMKAGIHJUDO |
There is an odd number of indicators | ALDNUBSTVRXZOWFCIHEJGPQYKM |
The first numeric digit of the serial number is odd | UHKTLEPQNJMIZOCDRWVSXFBAYG |
There are exactly two indicators | EBUYZLRCDXWOKQIGTAMSNPHVFJ |
There is an even number of strikes (during initialization) | YQMGRPFHSUNCEZTABVWKLDJIOX |
There are at least three letters in the serial number | XBOJNYQUZFVALTKPGCWESRHIMD |
There are less than two indicators on the bomb | TWGCYNBXQKAUDZEJIMROSLHFVP |
The number of solved modules is less than five (during initialization) | KTPQBJCEISAYZNOUXGMRDWLHVF |
There is no even digit in the serial number | DXUAGEHMCJTOQSLRWPFVZBINKY |
There are more than thirty modules on the bomb | CBDJUHOVLFIKSXPZRWQGETYAMN |
The number of battery holders is less than three | JIYEPUCAFKGNOQBWZDVLXMRTSH |
If a strike is given, the module will reset back from the beginning. Some rules may differ now if the module is reinitialized.